This cheatsheet is about math constructs and symbols in LaTex Math mode, remember to put the dollar sign $ on both sides of the math equation.

Variable-sized Symbols

Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex
\(\sum\) \sum \(\displaystyle\sum\) \displaystyle\sum
\(\int\) \int \(\displaystyle\int\) \displaystyle\int
\(\prod\) \prod \(\displaystyle\prod\) \displaystyle\prod
\(\iint\) \iint \(\displaystyle\iint\) \displaystyle\iint
\(\oint\) \oint \(\displaystyle\oint\) \displaystyle\oint

Some Examples

Example LaTex
\(\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}{0.5^k}=1\) \sum_{k=1}^{\infty}{0.5^k}=1
\(\displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}{0.5^k}=1\) \displaystyle\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}{0.5^k}=1
\(\int_1^2{3x^2}dx=7\) \int_1^2{3x^2}dx=7
\(\displaystyle\int_1^2{3x^2}dx=7\) \displaystyle\int_1^2{3x^2}dx=7
\(n!=\prod_{i=1}^n i\) n!=\prod_{i=1}^n i
\(n!=\displaystyle\prod_{i=1}^n i\) n!=\displaystyle\prod_{i=1}^n i

Greek Letters

Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex
\(\alpha\) \alpha \(\iota\) \iota \(\sigma\) \sigma
\(\beta\) \beta \(\kappa\) \kappa \(\varsigma\) \varsigma
\(\gamma\) \gamma \(\lambda\) \lambda \(\tau\) \tau
\(\delta\) \delta \(\mu\) \mu \(\upsilon\) \upsilon
\(\epsilon\) \epsilon \(\nu\) \nu \(\phi\) \phi
\(\varepsilon\) \varepsilon \(\xi\) \xi \(\varphi\) \varphi
\(\zeta\) \zeta \(\pi\) \pi \(\chi\) \chi
\(\eta\) \eta \(\varpi\) \varpi \(\psi\) \psi
\(\theta\) \theta \(\rho\) \rho \(\omega\) \omega
\(\vartheta\) \vartheta \(\varrho\) \varrho    
\(\Gamma\) \Gamma \(\Xi\) \Xi \(\Phi\) \Phi
\(\Delta\) \Delta \(\Pi\) \Pi \(\Psi\) \Psi
\(\Theta\) \Theta \(\Sigma\) \Sigma \(\Omega\) \Omega
\(\Lambda\) \Lambda \(\Upsilon\) \Upsilon    

Math Constructs and Accents

Example LaTex Example LaTex
\(x^2\) x^2 \(\hat{x}\) \hat{x}
\(x_0\) x_0 \(\bar{x}\) \bar{x}
\(\frac{ab}{xy}\) \frac{ab}{xy} \(\dot{x}\) \dot{x}
\(\binom{n}{k}\) \binom{n}{k} \(\ddot{x}\) \ddot{x}
\(\sqrt{xy}\) \sqrt{xy} \(\tilde{x}\) \tilde{x}
\(\sqrt[n]{xy}\) \sqrt[n]{xy} \(\vec{x}\) \vec{x}
\(\widehat{xyz}\) \widehat{xyz} \(\check{x}\) \check{x}
\(\overline{xyz}\) \overline{xyz} \(\acute{x}\) \acute{x}
\(\underline{xyz}\) \underline{xyz} \(\grave{x}\) \grave{x}
\(\overrightarrow{xyz}\) \overrightarrow{xyz} \(\breve{x}\) \breve{x}
\(\overleftarrow{xyz}\) \overleftarrow{xyz}    

Commonly Used Symbols

Arithmetic & Calculus

Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex
\(\pm\) \pm \(\cdot\) \cdot \(\nabla\) \nabla
\(\mp\) \mp \(\bullet\) \bullet \(\partial\) \partial
\(\times\) \times \(\prime\) \prime \(\Re\) \Re
\(\div\) \div \(\infty\) \infty \(\Im\) \Im


Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex
\(\geq\) \geq \(\ll\) \ll \(\propto\) \propto
\(\leq\) \leq \(\neq\) \neq \(\triangleq\) \triangleq
\(\geqslant\) \geqslant \(\equiv\) \equiv \(\doteq\) \doteq
\(\leqslant\) \leqslant \(\approx\) \approx \(\lessgtr\) \lessgtr
\(\gg\) \gg \(\sim\) \sim \(\gtrless\) \gtrless
    \(\cong\) \cong    


Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex
\(\angle\) \angle \(\overline{AB}\) \overline{AB} \(\parallel\) \parallel
\(\triangle\) \triangle \(\vec{AB}\) \vec{AB} \(\nparallel\) \nparallel
\(\square\) \square \(\vert AB\vert\) \vert AB\vert \(\perp\) \perp
    \(\Vert AB\Vert\) \Vert AB\Vert    

Set Theory

Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex
\(\emptyset\) \emptyset \(\mathbb{R}\) \mathbb{R} \(\aleph\) \aleph
\(\varnothing\) \varnothing \(\mathbb{Z}\) \mathbb{Z} \(\beth\) \beth
\(\cup\) \cup \(A^\mathrm{C}\) A^\mathrm{C} \(\uplus\) \uplus
\(\cap\) \cap \(\setminus\) \setminus    
\(\subset\) \subset \(\supset\) \supset \(\in\) \in
\(\subseteq\) \subseteq \(\supseteq\) \supseteq \(\notin\) \notin
\(\not\subset\) \not\subset \(\not\supset\) \not\supset \(\ni\) \ni
\(\not\subseteq\) \not\subseteq \(\not\supseteq\) \not\supseteq \(\not\ni\) \not\ni


Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex
\(\forall\) \forall \(\oplus\) \oplus \(\top\) \top
\(\exists\) \exists \(\veebar\) \veebar \(\bot\) \bot
\(\nexists\) \nexists \(\iff\) \iff \(\vdash\) \vdash
\(\land\) \land \(\implies\) \implies \(\models\) \models
\(\lor\) \lor \(\because\) \because \(\blacksquare\) \ blacksquare
\(\lnot\) \lnot \(\therefore\) \threrfore \(\Box\) \Box


Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex
\(\uparrow\) \uparrow \(\leftrightarrow\) \leftrightarrow
\(\downarrow\) \downarrow \(\Leftrightarrow\) \Leftrightarrow
\(\leftarrow\) \leftarrow \(\longleftrightarrow\) \longleftrightarrow
\(\rightarrow\) \rightarrow \(\Longleftrightarrow\) \Longleftrightarrow
\(\Uparrow\) \Uparrow \(\nwarrow\) \nwarrow
\(\Downarrow\) \Downarrow \(\nearrow\) \nearrow
\(\Leftarrow\) \Leftarrow \(\swarrow\) \swarrow
\(\Rightarrow\) \Rightarrow \(\searrow\) \searrow
\(\updownarrow\) \updownarrow \(\rightleftharpoons\) \rightleftharpoons
\(\Updownarrow\) \Updownarrow \(\upuparrows\) \upuparrows


Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex
\(\circ\) \circ \(\dagger\) \dagger \(\hbar\) \hbar
\(\bigcirc\) \bigcirc \(\ddagger\) \ddagger \(\imath\) \imath
\(\odot\) \odot \(\diamond\) \diamond \(\jmath\) \jmath
\(\ominus\) \ominus \(\lhd\) \lhd \(\ell\) \ell
\(\oplus\) \oplus \(\rhd\) \rhd \(\eth\) \eth
\(\oslash\) \oslash \(\unlhd\) \unlhd \(\wp\) \wp
\(\otimes\) \otimes \(\unrhd\) \unrhd \(\flat\) \flat
\(\prec\) \prec \(\vee\) \vee \(\natural\) \natural
\(\succ\) \succ \(\wedge\) \wedge \(\mho\) \mho
\(\preceq\) \preceq \(\wr\) \wr \(\surd\) \surd
\(\succeq\) \succeq \(\ltimes\) \ltimes \(\spadesuit\) \spadesuit
\(\smile\) \smile \(\rtimes\) \rtimes \(\heartsuit\) \heartsuit
\(\frown\) \frown \(\Join\) \Join \(\clubsuit\) \clubsuit
\(\asymp\) \asymp \(\circledast\) \circledast \(\diamondsuit\) \diamondsuit


Bracket and dot symbols

Symbol LaTex Symbol LaTex
\((A)\) (A) \([A]\) [A]
\(\left( A\right)\) \left( A\right) \(\left[ A\right]\) \left[ A\right]
\(\vert A\vert\) |A| \(\{ A\}\) \{ A\}
\(\vert A\vert\) \vert A\vert \(\lceil A\rceil\) \lceil A\rceil
\(| A|\) \| A\| \(\lfloor A\rfloor\) \lfloor A\rfloor
\(\Vert A\Vert\) \Vert A\Vert \(\langle A\rangle\) \langle A\rangle
\(\cdots\) \cdots \(\ldots\) \ldots
\(\vdots\) \vdots \(\ddots\) \ddots

Matrix examples

Example LaTex
\(\begin{bmatrix}a & b\\c & d\end{bmatrix}\) \begin{bmatrix}a & b\\c & d\end{bmatrix}
\(\begin{pmatrix}a & b\\c & d\end{pmatrix}\) \begin{pmatrix}a & b\\c & d\end{pmatrix}
\(\begin{vmatrix}a & b\\c & d\end{vmatrix}\) \begin{vmatrix}a & b\\c & d\end{vmatrix}
\(\begin{Vmatrix}a & b\\c & d\end{Vmatrix}\) \begin{Vmatrix}a & b\\c & d\end{Vmatrix}
\(\begin{bmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & \dots & a_{1N}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ a_{N1} & a_{N2} & \cdots & a_{NN} \end{bmatrix}\) \begin{bmatrix} a_{11} & a_{12} & \dots & a_{1N}\\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ a_{N1} & a_{N2} & \cdots & a_{NN} \end{bmatrix}

Standard Function Names

Typing the function name directly will result in italic font, which is not ideal. Therefore, it is recommended to add a backslash before the function name to use the standard name in LaTex, e.g.

\(\cos(x)\) \cos(x) is ideal,

\(cos(x)\) cos(x) is not.

Name LaTex Name LaTex Name LaTex Name LaTex
\(\arccos\) \arccos \(\csc\) \csc \(\ker\) \ker \(\min\) \min
\(\arcsin\) \arcsin \(\deg\) \deg \(\log\) \log \(\Pr\) \Pr
\(\arctan\) \arctan \(\det\) \det \(\lim\) \lim \(\sec\) \sec
\(\arg\) \arg \(\dim\) \dim \(\liminf\) \liminf \(\sin\) \sin
\(\cos\) \cos \(\exp\) \exp \(\limsup\) \limsup \(\sinh\) \sinh
\(\cosh\) \cosh \(\gcd\) \gcd \(\ln\) \ln \(\sup\) \sup
\(\cot\) \cot \(\hom\) \hom \(\log\) \log \(\tan\) \tan
\(\coth\) \coth \(\inf\) \inf \(\max\) \max \(\tanh\) \tanh

Math Fonts

Font Examples
\mathfrak{} \(\mathfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}\)
normal \(abc+xyz-ij\times pq, 1234567890\)
\mathrm{} \(\mathrm{abc+xyz-ij\times pq, 1234567890}\)
\mathit{} \(\mathit{abc+xyz-ij\times pq, 1234567890}\)
\mathbf{} \(\mathbf{abc+xyz-ij\times pq, 1234567890}\)
\mathsf{} \(\mathsf{abc+xyz-ij\times pq, 1234567890}\)
\mathtt{} \(\mathtt{abc+xyz-ij\times pq, 1234567890}\)

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